Pata Kisima na Bwawa bora kwa gharama nafuu na kwa kujali thamani halisi ya pesa yako

Miradi ya Mabwawa

Earthworks Department deals with all civil works required in dam construction and water distribution network construction, geotechnical investigations required in dams, building and road constructions, and feasibility studies in dams and water distribution networks for public and individual use. The main activities for the department are as stipulated below:

  • Conducting feasibility studies for dam construction projects, and water distribution schemes
  • Constructing  earthen dams and water distribution schemes for various uses
  • Conducting geotechnical investigation for dams and other water projects
  • Undertaking geotechnical investigations for building and construction sites and road construction
  • Performing material strength testing for water pipes


The Department is divided into two sections, namely Dam Section  and Soil Testing Section. These sections have the following responsibilities:

Dam Section

To undertake feasibility studies for all dam construction projects. In conducting fesibility studies for dam construction project, Tasks that are done are as follows:

  • Doing recconnissance survey where a visit to the project area is done to assess the viability of the area for dam and/or water distribution scheme construction project. Where a dam position is not yet known, the location of the dam is determined.
  • If the area is viable for construction project, a cost estimate for conducting a detailed survey will be prepared and issued to the client. The detaled survey is comprised of topographical/route survey, geotechnical investigation of the site, designing of the project, preparing the Bills of Quantities for construction and construction costs and report preparation. Upon payment of the costs the survey team undertakes the task narrated above

Undertaking dam/water scheme construction projects according to the design and specifications

Dam Section is headed by a Dam Engineer who supervises all Site Engineers and Survey teams

 Soil Testing 

To undertake geotechnical investigation on site and in the Soil Testing Laboratory for Dam/water scheme construction, building construction, and road construction. Tasks that are done are as follows:

  • Doing recconnissance survey where a visit to the project area is done to assess the requirements of the project during implementation
  • Preparing a cost estimate for conducting a geotechnical investigation and issuing to the client. Upon payment of the costs the Soil Team undertakes geotechnical investigation task
  • Controlling soil quality during dam construction according to the specifications Soil Section is headed by a Soil Engineer who supervises all Soil technicians in dam construction sites and in the Soil Testing Laboratory.

Works Done by the Department

The Agency through the department have been able to accomplish several projects in dam construction.